
Showing posts from 2016

Session 10

General We met at Coffee Bean to discuss general updates.  Non-Chairs Publicity with the Instagram, Snapchat and Facebook page  Study guides formatting, poised to be released. Joining MUNPLANET Discussing a theme video "discussing combatting belicose rhetoric" Exco video for the end of conference Promotional video Chairs Study Guides final changes Head of Photography absent so no pictures this session

Session 9

General Number of Awards confirmed including 2 Best Exco Awards Best Delegation  Community Service Award - Trophy *No Best School Award this year Very short session this week with an absent Head of Photography

COMUN Workshop

This week's COMUN workshop was a massive success with attendance being over 125 people, with attendance from all over Colombo with schools like CIS, BSC, TIS, Lycuem, Gateway etc. The meeting ran very smoothly with a brilliant introduction to COMUN from the Secretary General Sanoj Jayakody about changes we are set to implement, dictating the tone for the follow-up to this years phenomenal conference. Danindhu then came up and introduced the exciting theme for this year, explaining what we intend to convey by picking this "The Next Generation: Combatting Bellicose Rhetoric", a theme truly representative of our spruce and perspicacious 2017 EXCO. Viren and Senal then introduced the sequence of events with the introduction of the individual GA's and their explanation of their topics and what they're looking for in a delegate wanting to join, and why they should join. We then brought out all the chairs of the GA's for a Q&A session for any queries. T...

Session 8

General Faculty Adviser Meeting Agenda discussed Chairs Discussed guidelines for giving awards, and the feasibility of an intercom session in terms of good debates. Study Guides finished and formatting to be completed by next week. Non-Chairs Website bug fixes Placard design and t-shirt design.


This Saturday, we had our annual FA meeting at OSC. Ex-co Members arrived at OSC early for a quick run through. Secretary General Sanoj Jayakody introduced the new COMUN 2017 EXCO and the changes we intend on implementing this year to make this year a truly monumental conference. Our theme for the year The New Generation: Combating Bellicose Rhetoric thus reflects our exco and the conference as we are trying to achieve. Therefore Danindhu who has suggested the theme, introduced it in the meeting. Then Abdul came up to introduce the community service project for this year wherein we will be continuing the tradition of collecting stationary to donate. The chairs then introduced their committees and spoke a bit about what they wanted in their delegates and what the topics were about. Finally, we then discussed logistics about the workshop, PDs and conference such general dress code, admin quotas, and registration. We ended with a showing of the official website and the final...

Session 7

General This week was a short session as next weeks session would be  Decided on the official theme - The Next Generation: Combating Bellicose Rhetoric. Sponsorship updates Non - Chairs Placards and design ID Cards for delegates and Exco discussed.

Session 6

General Head tables must be present with their second/third draft of their study guide.  We also tried to come up with our official theme for this years conference, and will confirm it by next week. We also got letters from children who received last years' stationary donation from the COMUN Community Service Project (see pictures). Sponsorship Updates Chairs Finishing up Study Guides, short intro of respective committees for FA meeting. Non-Chairs Formatting Study Guides, Website Updates, Placard Update. Details about Faculty Adviser Meeting

5th Session - Back at OSC

GENERAL Updates on Sponsors and Prospective Schools were discussed Logistics for Faculty Adviser and Student Coordinator Meeting on the 19th of November was also discussed. Chairs Chairs assigned to prepare introduction to their committee for the Faculty Adviser meeting. Non- Chairs Updates on things like Placards, Website and Mobile site. Slideshow of all Exco Members for Faculty Adviser meeting was designed.